
Besides Hewe’s, Harrison is one of America’s most famous cider apples. Harrrison was discovered in 1817, and like other American cider apples fell by the way side after prohibition. Harrison was thought to have been extinct until rediscovered in New Jersey in 1976 at an old cider mill. The mill owner had one old Harrison tree planted by their grandfather.  Scionwood was collected from the old tree one week before it was cut down. Nurseryman Tom Burford from Virginia took on the grafting project, and is the reason we have Harrison trees today.

Harrison’s are slow to get started in the orchard, producing pencil thin completely vertical growth. Once they get established they become vigorous but just as vertical in growth. They require every branch to be spread. They have a very phallic long rubbery stem that wiggles when first pulled from the tree. Both the apples and the trees have many unique attributes and are easily spotted in the orchard.

 Flavour, aroma, texture

Apples are dense, hard, and dry. Cider is dark, viscous, with rich apple and lemon citrus notes


Green background turning to yellow when ripe, scattered black dots and slight pink blush where sunkissed


Late (Early November)

Best Use

Cider, taste great but almost too dry to swallow fresh

Keeping ability

Long Keepers
